'HipHop Cardo Groove KRC/AbunDance Choreography by Robyn Jordan Who are we: Cardio Groove is a dance fitness class set to the latest HipHop Dancehall and popular music, that incorporates HIIT, strength training, bands and weights for a total body workout. HipHop Cardio Groove KRC. The K is for Kathy Johnson who is the owner and founder of Cardio Groove Dance Aerobics/ CardioGrooveWithKathy. She started HipHop Cardio Groove to give people a fun way to workout to their favorite HipHop jams. The R is for Robyn Jordan of Rhythym Flow Fit./AbunDance The C is for Chantal Crosse Sumlin of HipHop Fusion with Chantal All three dance fitness instructors can be found at Fitness One Fayetteville Sun - Thur Friday’s and Saturdays they have set aside to do HipHop Cardio Groove pop up classes to train instructors and bring this awesome dance workout to a city near you. Contact Info: Facebook: Cardio Groove With Kathy HipHop Fusion with Chantal Rhythym Flow Fit Instagram: @CardioGrooveWithKathy @rhythymflowfit @rhythymrob Email: [email protected] ****I do not own the rights to this music*** Juice~ Lizzo'
Tags: cardio , Dance , juice , dance fitness , hiit , ZUMBA , cardio dance , hiphop , abundance , Lizzo , dance aerobics , hiphop workout , hiphop cardio , Rhythym Flow Fit , HipHop Cardio Groove
SEE ALSO: jeremy buendia posing , musculation , lose weight , best , zumba workout , b s dance fitness , dumbbell workout , running , six pack abs , gym songs