'Let\'s get that HEART RATE up in this 30 minute FUN workout! I\'ve added some knee ups and some hamstring curls for a little variation. So remember to enjoy the music, enjoy the moves, and have fun! ❤️ Support the channel through Patreon! Big thanks to my Patreon Supporters for making these workouts possible! ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/repstotherhythm ⭐ Join our private Facebook group for further community support! ⭐ https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkw3YXl0b2R1TkRaTWk5YTEtWkp0UXJBNk1XZ3xBQ3Jtc0tuTVhsSWNIVUMzcUtoZGtXTk95X1BkRVRfeXJKbjJlbTBBVGlZNjNtaFZJcFZNVEwyX2hrMnhiemNtWENqMG5ZVkRZSWh2Z3M3dkE2WkhOWjh0QXdvREpIOGZVWHpJczlzVklzbzJhY2JlRnU5ckF2cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fgroups%2F253094502834114
SEE ALSO: Food Vlog , fitness tips , 1.Trimester , get fit , खेत� 19 , kol antrenmanı , kourtney kardashian , musculation , ne , �Film