'Chris Terrill is the oldest person to ever pass out of the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, to pass all the commando tests to earn his green beret. He has filmed on the front line with the men he passed out of training with. He is an author, film maker, anthropologist and marathon runner. He\'s a guy worth listening to. Chris\'s book: Commando: https://amzn.to/3gZkJRJ Chris\'s media: https://twitter.com/christerrill https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Terrill …………………………………………………………………………………..
Tags: Documentary , podcast , Commando , film maker , elite , Afghanistan , Royal Marines , forces , front line , chris thrall , Chris terrill , paul vice , 55 year old commando , record speed march , scotty mills
SEE ALSO: we. , cha , Фитнес , mukbang , fitness ball C . , bauch workout , fitness challenge , fit 40 , To , hiit