'The Royal Marines boast the hardest and longest basic training in the world; But is the reward of passing out of Royal Marines recruit training worth it? Get Fit For The Royal Marines Fitness Programme: https://www.completecommando.com/pages/complete-commando-programming Special Announcement: Interested in joining The Royal Marines? Complete Commando is a running and bodyweight focused programme consisting of 6 workouts a week specifically designed to help you achieve the required levels of fitness for the PJFT, ROP tests and Recruit training. You will also enter the Facebook community of budding Royal Marines. Message me on instagram for more details. Below is the link to the programme £9.99 a month. Get Fit For The Royal Marines Fitness Programme: https://www.completecommando.com/pages/complete-commando-programming'
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SEE ALSO: John Abraham , zumba fitness , prenatal yoga , Weight loss , Motywacja , kettlebell , burn fat , John , AUSTRALIA , Bodybuilder