'20160316 Rogue Swiss bar close grip warm ups 315*3,365*3,405*2 Close grip bench press 3 sets of 6 Overhead press 3 sets of 5 and then 3 sets of 10 Dips 2 sets of 15'
Tags: fitness , strong , arms , squats , crossfit , home gym , fit , power , curls , educational , lower body , fitness addict , upper body , lifting , powerlifting , rogue fitness , bench press , Rogue , Instructional , best home gym , garage gym , deadlifts , buff , squat rack , diy gym , garage gym setup , BIG3 , best garage gym , max effort , ROGUE MONSTER LITE , Hardcore gym , free advice , specialty bars , rogue swiss bar , rogue monolift , rogue rml-690 power rack
SEE ALSO: home fitness , fat , prenatal exercise , Men �s fitness shorts , zin , Golf swing , john abraham workout , �Movie , � ต้น Zumba , Gymnastics