
'Beginner Prenatal (Pregnancy) Workout'

'Beginner Prenatal (Pregnancy) Workout'

'This prenatal routine is very thorough yet very gentle for even the beginner trainee. Follow along as Megan guides you through a core circuit and a total body strengthening circuit. These are the exercises that are included: First circuit- Standing pelvic tilts Wall angels Prone planks Side planks Childs pose rest  Second circuit- Squats Bent-over T\'s, Y\'s, W\'s Elevated push-ups Shin box  Please come visit www.strong-mommas.com for so much more fitness and nutrition information specifically geared toward moms.' 

Tags: beginner , prenatal workout , pregnancy , beginner prenatal workout , beginner prenatal , prenatal stregth , strong mommas , dahlman elite , megan dahlman

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Aug 27, 2022
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