'➤LET´S TRAIN TOGETHER ON MONDAYS Akita\'s Dojo Online (Live) Trainings. By subscribing, you will have access to a Four classes per month: 2x 60 Minutes Training Videos 2x 60 Minutes Live Classes Mondays 18:00 - 19:00 (Berlin Time) Recordings / videos will be available of all classes. Further information and registration through direct link: https://elopage.com/s/akitasdojo/online-classes ➤Kangeiko Online Course Package available: You missed our event in January 2021 and are especially interested in the three Tekki Katas? Our Kangeiko Course Package contains 330 minutes of training, divided into 5 classes with central theme Tekki 1 - 3 plus various Kihon exercises for a better performance of Tekki Shōdan, Nidan and Sandan. More info on www.shinjiakita.net Speedy access: https://elopage.com/s/akitasdojo/akita-s-dojo-kangeiko-training ------------------------------------------- Karate Fitness Training at Home #3 誰でも自宅で出来る空手フィットネス・レッスン3【Akita\'s Karate Video】 初心者でも自宅で出来る空手の練習ビデオです。約45分(残りの10分はストレッチ運動)ほどの内容ですが誰にでも気軽に狭いスペースで運動ができるのでトライしてみてください。 This Shotokan training session #3 was designed to do it in a limited space, anytime and anywhere at home for any level. If you want to do some exercise with me, this video is for you! Originally, I filmed this session for the students in my Dojo because it currently is not possible to train together. It is the edited version from the original I took, it is not an instructional video and not much structured but you can just follow and do it to keep your fitness. You can stop the video in between and practice a particular movement with more repetitions for extra fitness. You can arrange it for yourself. There is no warm up, I start right away with the Karate techniques. If you want to do your warm up before and need some ideas, you can check out our video https://youtu.be/egN1sMnnnMQ . I wish this \"Training at Home\" has some benefit and you get the most out of it. I will try to upload more videos. Video Karate Fitness, Training at Home #1: https://youtu.be/RkT2_cSuzUU Video Karate Fitness, Training at Home #2 https://youtu.be/hj6Et_g9Le8 Akita\'s Website https://shinjiakita.net Akita´s Sakuragaoka Dojo in Limburg https://karatelimburg.de Akita\'s Facebook https://www.facebook.com/shinjiakita Akita´s Kitchen and Travel 秋田の台所・旅 - the YouTube channel on cooking, enjoying food and travelling: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzSv... Akita\'s Twitter https://twitter.com/shinjiakita Akita\'s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/shinji.akita/'
Tags: フィットネス , how to get fit , Fighting , karate , 日本 , Black belt , how to get strong , jka , skai , Kampfkunst , kata , kumite , Shinji Akita , Kuro Obi , SKIF , Tatsuya Naka , Kuro-obi-world , Jesse Enkamp , Japan Karate Association , 黒帯 , 大坂可治 , 谷山卓也 , 日本空手協会 , Osaka Sensei , 中達也 , 空手道場 , Takuya Taniyama , 空手 , 秋田真司 , 組手 , learn karate , Hirokazu Kanazawa , 金澤弘和 , 型 , Jion , 慈恩 , バッサイ大 , 自宅で空手 , 強くなる方法 , 気軽に空手 , karate at home , karate fitness , karate from home , takudai , Bassai dai , Shotokan Karate , Karate Lehrgang , karatefitness , 自宅でフィットネス , 空手上達方法
SEE ALSO: zumba workout , 25 , indian , JULIANA MALACARNE , any , neil , Food processor , body , athletic , dance workout