'Simone Keller\'s Burlesque Fitness \"SEDUCTRESS\" workout combines slow, sensual stretches, core-stability/strength exercises & erotic Burlesque dance. Feather boas, sexy chair routines & hypnotic meditative rhythms further enhance a re-connection with the feminine SELF & encourage an awakening of the \"Seductress\" within. A beautiful celebration of BEING woman. SEXY.EMPOWERING.FUN.Burlesque Fitness classes are run by SIBER FITNESS, located on the NSW Central Coast. Weekly fitness classes. Monthly themed dress-up events & mobile \"Hurly Burly Girly Nites\" to spice up any GIRLS NIGHT or LADIES ONLY corporate/work function. www.burlesquefitness.com.au facebook.com/pages/siber.fitness'
Tags: Weight loss , sexy , gym , exercise , Dance , stretch , yoga , fun , meditation , relaxation
SEE ALSO: agility , zumba class , sixpa , reggaeton , Kareena Kapoor Workout In Gym , lock , using , burn calories , daddy yankee , Music