
'TRUTH HURTS - LIZZO Zumba Dance Fitness Choreo'

'TRUTH HURTS - LIZZO Zumba Dance Fitness Choreo'

'Easy dance fitness to Truth Hurts by Lizzo  Feel free to use choreography all I ask is please like, share and leave a comment.  Thanks for watching.    Special THANKS to Dorian & Kanoe  Follow them on Youtube:    YOU CAN DOWNLOAD SONG HERE:  https://music.apple.com/us/album/truth-hurts/1462189879?i=1462190042   I do not own the rights to this music I use it as inspiration.' 

Tags: lizzo dance , lizzo zumba , lizzo dance fitness , truth hurts zumba , lizzo good as hell , lizzo choreo , zumba lizzo , lizzo cardio dance , dance fitness lizzo , easy choreo to lizzo , easy zumba lizzo , easy lizzo mixxedfit , lizzo easy dance fitness , truth hurts easy choreo , ujam lizzo , ujam easy lizzo , ujam truth hurts , truth hurts easy zumba , zumba easy choreo , lizzo tempo easy , lizzo line dance , lizzo jazzersize , lizzo size

SEE ALSO: prot , zone fitness , kylie jenner , ab workout , si , MMA , PRMC , laura london fitness , workout routine , gym lovers ��️

Jul 28, 2022
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