
'PTI Training'

'PTI Training'

'There’s only one condition for Royal Marines Commandos. Peak condition. That’s why we’ve got a dedicated team of Physical Training Instructors (PTIs), who keep our team in shape and make sure our recruits are up to the rigours of basic training. Find out what it takes to be part of this elite team and understand the importance of physical training as a Royal Marines Commando.  You can learn all about basic training, in the ‘Get Ready to Join’ section of our website: https://bit.ly/GRTJ_PTIP  Make sure you never miss a video by subscribing: https://bit.ly/RMR_Subscribe to our channel. It’s the best way to get all the latest Royal Marines recruitment news, advice and information. You can also connect with us using Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RoyalMarinesRecruitment/  Got a recruitment query? Get in touch by calling our team on 0345 600 1444.' 

Tags: fitness , cardio , weights , british , physical fitness , Endurance , army , military , Marines , Recruitment , State Of Mind , Royal Marines , royal marines commando , royal navy , green beret , hoofing

SEE ALSO: work , best street food , Bodybuilder , corona , golf exercise , diät , sab , tips , arabesque , hindi

Jul 16, 2022
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