
'Show Me How You Burlesque - Christine Aguilera - Dance Fitness'

'Show Me How You Burlesque - Christine Aguilera - Dance Fitness'

'We love zumbaturkeyaysegul\'s version http://youtu.be/ylNVlqdZ5gg and have modified it only slightly. This is really fun and is a great cardio burst that your class will enjoy! We don\'t own the music and no copyright infringement is intended. The song is \"Show Me How You Burlesque\" by Christin Aguilera and is available for download on iTunes or similar.' 

Tags: fitness , exercise , Dance , dance fitness , ZUMBA , choreography , group exercise , groupx

SEE ALSO: dan , मंगलवार को non veg क्यूँ नह� ं खाते , kareena kapoor workout , walking workout , aerobic dance , physical exercise , Que , fit flaunt burlesque , boxing training , μαιρησυνατσακηbox

Jul 13, 2022
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