'The \'X\' BOX drill aims to improve players footwork, reaction time and hip movement. With FOUR progressions this drill could be used at training sessions or at home. Hip movement and direction is an important part of efficiency of movement on the netball court. Nettyheads are the Netball coaching specialists in NSW Australia. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"12 Questions with Bec Bulley !! | Nettyheads\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm6S4GaZ6dA Our latest video is out NOW!! 12 questions you have always wanted to ask the legendary Bec Bulley ! -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-'
Tags: coaching , efficiency , reaction time , Footwork , Netball , hip movement , netball drills , netball skills , Netball (Sport) , netball coaching , netball footwork , netball ballwork , netball passing drills , netball drills for training , netball footwork drills , netball warm up drills
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