'Taimur Ali Khan sits on treadmill during Kareena Kapoor Khan\'s yoga time. Kareena Kapoor Khan is a fitness role model for many of her fans. She lost a lot of weight post the birth of her son, Taimur Ali Khan, and did so in a healthy way. A new video has surfaced online, which shows why she is so fit.In the video, Kareena is possibly at her home and is doing Surya Namaskar. The video is in a fast forward mode. Taimur can be seen playing at the far end of the room. Check out this news. #TaimurAliKhan #KareenaKapoorKhan #TaimurGymKareena -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to FilmiBeat Channel for latest updates on movies and related videos. You Tube: https://goo.gl/qlauzb Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/filmibeat Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Filmibeat Visit us: http://www.filmibeat.com/ Download app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.oneindia.android.tamilapp'
Tags: kareena kapoor khan , filmibeat , taimur ali khan , Taimur gym with Kareena , Taimur gym with Kareena Fitness Video , Taimur Kareena gym going viral , Taimur sits on treadmill , Dance India Dance 7 , Taimur Kareena pic from set
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