'Sunday Morning New Gym Equipment Unboxing Rogue Fitness #Shorts #sundayvibes #weekendvibes #roguefitness Something special about a messy gym, only messy because of new gym equipment fresh out of the box waiting to be put somewhere neatly so It can be easily found when you want to use it for GAINS Special delivery to my home gym = forever mine ;) Have a fun weekend Coach George Tsanis https://wordpress.com/post/workoutsolutions.net/11937'
Tags: home , fitness , Workout , gym , Health , canada , squats , crossfit , shopping , equipment , morning , ups , weekend , Garage , shorts , sunday , happy , toronto , Unboxing , Rogue , Delivery , barbell , fitover40
SEE ALSO: amrita , Royal Marines , coreograf , weight loss workout , 18th century , female workout , biceps , kumar , kids tractor , fun dance