'Check out our gym www.wattagept.com 7s Circuit Training @ Home or in the gym 1 hour 15 minutes Warm Up Do the dynamic exercises but in place with a longer hold and only half as much. Perform each exercise for 30sec rest for 10sec. Water break between entire circuit 3 minutes (approx 10-12 min for entire circuit) Complete 4 Rounds of the circuit 1. Star Jumps 2. Bicycle Crunches (keep your shoulders up alternate side to side) 3. Clap Push Ups (not for time, do 15) 4. Single Leg Squat Touchdown (to foot) (Left) 5. Single Leg Squat Touchdown (to foot) (Right) 6. Push Ups X25 7. Supermans 8. Fast Punching (Shadow Boxing) 9. Front Planks (with alternating leg raises) 10. Side Planks (Left) (Earn a star by raising your Right Leg) 11. Side Planks (Right) (Earn a star by raising your Left Leg) 12. Squat Jumps 13. Wall Sit (no break between Wall Sits) 14. Wall Sit 15. Split Cycle Lunge Stretch at the end (calves, groin, hip flexor (Lunge, make sure pelvis is tilted forward), quads, chest, shoulders, and hips).'
Tags: fitness , core , training , home training , Endurance , plyometrics , body weight , rugby , aaron , zealand , functional strength , 7S , rugby union , sevens , Rugby football , Chicago Lions , Manheimer , Bodybymanheimer , Hanna Brictson
SEE ALSO: fitness ball C . , Aerobic Exercise Exercise , burlesque dance , Kareena Kapoor Workout In Gym , hot , men s fashion , Workout , tractors , burn fat , athletic