'For daily workouts, meals, outfits & more follow me on instagram! @MISSRYLEEJADE Hey Loves! I hope you guys enjoy this workout! Let me know if you try it out and how you like it! Please give this video a THUMBS UP & SUBSCRIBE if you would like to see more videos like this. xoxo! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FULL WORKOUT: (30 Seconds Each) Lunge Pulses (each leg) Lunge Step Backs (each leg) Narrow Squat + Leg Raise (alternating legs) Regular Squats Ice Skaters/Curtsy Lunge Combo Plie Squats Squat Side Steps Donkey Kick Backs (right leg) Fire Hydrants (right leg) Donkey Kick Backs (left leg) Fire Hydrants (left leg) Bird Dogs Brideges Wide Leg Bridges Side Leg Raises Options: 1)Repeat 3 times 2)Add to any cardio workout (run, walk etc.) 3)Combined with another workout'
Tags: fashion , how to , tutorial , diy , fitness , Workout , sexy , summer , style , clothing , cute , boy , lose weight , reveal , at home , makeup , haul , butt , best , Easy , routine , Long , vlog , Glow , simple , First , legs , look , fit , intense , Gender , 10 minute , skin , blonde , baby , Tour , instagram , get in shape , quick , matte , booty , learn , burn , couple , affordable , short , hair , toned , Grow , nursery , flawless , thigh , Hairstyle , curl , Eyes , Lips , lashes , prenatal , bigger , 1st trimester , 2nd trimester , 3rd trimester , fit pregnancy , pregnant workout , 33 weeks
SEE ALSO: bootcamp , speech , por , dance cardio , golf workout , athlete , ext , lo , pilates workout , Lifestyle