'In this video we show a complete Cycling High Performance Physiological Fitness Assessment performed on a XC mountain bike racer & cyclist that includes Muscle Oxygen Saturation (SMO2) and Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) What separates this assessment from a regular FTP or Threshold test is the inclusion of VO2 Max and SMO2 (muscle oxygen saturation) in addition to usual heart rate and power measurements. This extra information allows for a more in depth and comprehensive test that not only shows threshold power and heart rate but also what systems are the current limiters of performance as well as what is the VO2 Max. This test was performed performed in the cross country mountain bike racer\'s own road bike in our studio using Humon hex as well Moxy Oxygen sensor to monitor muscle O2. If you like more information please checkout http://www.studioescala.com'
Tags: Test , fitness , muscle , performance , athlete , cycling , max , Racer , oxygen , Cross Country , bike , Road Bike , Cyclist , consumption , Assessment , heart rate , vo2 max , threshold , Vo2 , XC , ftp , smo2 , physiological , muscle oxygen saturation , Humon , Moxy senor
SEE ALSO: level , baby , six , Chicken , kylie jenner , mast , rog , juli , motivational , lin