'Short & To The Point! This routine has only four drills in it. When combined together, you get everything you need to get stronger and support the changes your body is going through during pregnancy: 1. Lunges for lower body: Strengthen your legs to support the increasing weight of your body! This is also a great exercise that works on balance. 2. Modified Push Ups: Strengthen your upper body and get ready for carrying a baby in your arms! This is also a great core exercise. 3. Single Leg drops: A wonderful drill from Pilates that targets your core, emphasizing the Transvers-Abdominis. 4. Bent Over Arms Lifts: Work on your back extensors to support the weight of the belly in the front! Great drill to improve posture as well. To join live classes visit www.strongmamafitness.com Questions? contact me at [email protected] See you in the next video!'
Tags: fitness , exercise , personaltrainer , personaltraining , Prenatalexercise , Trainwithtal , strongmamafitness , strongmamatv
SEE ALSO: using , Fitness Aerobics dance , AH , biceps � � , back workout , imp , fitness girl , pilates abs , Ifbb pro , beaut