'http://physicalupgradesj.com/blog/ Ramp up your training with this Double Kettlebell workout primed to Demolish Fat, Build Strength & Conditioning, Improve Posture, get you Lean and have you liking what you see in the mirror in no time. Training with one Kettlebell with proper technique and programming is one of the best ways to skyrocket your fitness results to exciting levels, but learning how to properly train with two kettlebells will send those results off the charts and into a new galaxy! Come check us out on Facebook for more fitness gems of wisdom. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Physical-Upgrade/1462892440615643?ref=hl Kettlebell trainers Moses Correa, John Bair, and Mark Mellohusky demonstrate an incredibly effective kettlebell workout designed to get you maximum fitness results without wasting hours in the gym all while sprinkling in some good old fashioned fun and comradery. Here\'s the Workout: 5 Double Kettlebell Swings 5 Double Kettlebell Cleans Take 5 Steps with Kettlebells in double rack position 5 Double Kettlebell Push Presses These four movements completed in succession is considered a round Set the clock for 10 Minutes and do as many rounds as you can within this time frame. TIPS and GUIDELINES: Perform each exercise safely with good form Rest as much as you need between rounds, but keep it challenging If your form starts to falter - stop and rest a little bit more between rounds to ensure proper technique Keep the exercise area free of obstructions and pay attention to your surroundings and friends So Destroy the Fat, Get Strong, Ramp up your Conditioning, Super Charge your Metabolism and flat out feel awesome with this double kettlebell exercise complex. Enjoy this great exercise & work it into your routine-your body will thank you by keeping you lean,improving your physical and mental well being and have you looking good in your swim suit! Come visit us at Physical Upgrade South Jersey to find out how to shred fat quickly, get lean & forge a body to brag to the heavens about! http://physicalupgradesj.com/blog/'
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