'John Abraham and Nargis Fakhri promote fitness at the launch of a fitness studio. A chatty, full throttle, news show with all the latest lowdown on the Big and Small ‘B’s to the ‘Khans’ and ‘Khan’nots of Bollywood; catfights - on and off screen as well as the all time best heartbreaking, tear jerking and soul warming moments of tinsel town … as and when they happen, coming your way only on ZING World of Bollywood. And for the information hungry, we have even more to drive you breathless with special features, mini countdowns, film reviews, Monday Box Office reports and Friday film reviews.'
Tags: sexy , life , hot , trailers , Music , songs , videos , films , indian , srk , aishwarya rai , hindi movies , bollywood , bold , ranbir kapoor , kareena , story , Super Hit , zee , Stars , Indian Tv Show , Aamir Khan , First look , Amitabh Bachchan , akshay , actors , Ajay Devgan , sonakshi sinha , gossip news , Salman , Zeetv Serials , Priyanka , katrina , bollywood life , Shahrukh , Abhishek , Latest Releases , Controversies , saif ali , zing tv , World of bollywood
SEE ALSO: physical fitness , nav , 2021 , runaway , aerobic dance exercise , workout motivation , mens physique , arms , biceps�� , �Film