'Using a digital hanging scale to test the friction on the Rogue Fitness Lat Pulldown / Low Row 2. 100 lbs weight selected 15.75 lbs bar weight Average positive 98 lbs Average negative 79 lbs Average total resistance 88.5 lbs (± 9.5) Friction = 9.5 ÷ 88.5 = 10.7% Not great, but not bad, either. A percentage in the mid to low single digits is about as good as you\'re going to get. Consider the amount might vary with the weight selected, since there are several sources of friction in exercise equipment and not all are affected equally by weight selection (in some types of machines user weight is also a factor). I will be explaining the problem of friction in exercise machines, what these various factors are, what you can do to reduce it in your own equipment, and how to work around excessive friction and other equipment design problems in the private HIT List forum this month. I will also be teaching and demonstrating various ways to use a hanging digital scale to measure force output for a variety of timed static contraction (TSC) exercises with home, commercial, and improvised equipment. To learn more or join, visit www.baye.com/hit-list/'
Tags: exercise , testing , TSC , equipment , high intensity training , force , static , superslow , friction , timed static contraction
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