
'Lifelong Aerobic Exercise'

'Lifelong Aerobic Exercise'

'Paper to be discussed: Lifelong voluntary aerobic exercise prevents age- and Western diet- induced vascular dysfunction, mitochondrial oxidative stress and inflammation in mice (Rachel A. Gioscia-Ryan, Zachary S. Clayton, Melanie C. Zigler, James J. Richey, Lauren M. Cuevas, Matthew J. Rossman, Micah L. Battson, Brian P. Ziemba, David A. Hutton, Nicholas S. VanDongen, Douglas R. Seals), The Journal of Physiology DOI 10.1113/JP280607  In this Virtual Journal Club, host Jennifer Williams will discuss the manuscript with lead authors Dr Zachary Clayton and Melanie Zigler, and supervisor Professor Douglas Seals. The host will first introduce the paper and her reasons for selection, followed by a 15-minute presentation by Zachary and Melanie on the background, main methodology, and findings of the study. Following this presentation, Professor Seals will highlight the implications of the results and the next steps for the field. Finally, a representative from the Journal of Physiology will speak about the factors that led to the acceptance of this paper in the Journal.  After this overview, the panel will further discuss the findings in the context of aerobic exercise, aging, and the Western diet, on cardiovascular health, including taking questions from Journal Club attendees like you.' 

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May 19, 2022
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