'Kareena Kapoor recently launched book of celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar \'Pregnancy Notes\' where she responded to her spotting outside gym everyday, clicked by paparazzi. More than fitness motivation this spotting started a new trend of GYM look. Kareena talks about sparking off this new trend and she hilariously replied that she now has all of Adidas, Nike and Reebok in her house because of this new trend! Watch the interesting video here.'
Tags: bollywood , kareena kapoor , kareena kapoor outside gym , Kareena Gym look , Rujuta Diwekar 'Pregnancy Notes , Kareena Kapoor's hilarious reply , Rujuta Diwekar's book , Kareena Kapoor fitness tip
SEE ALSO: � กม nintendo , mar , Physique , sin , Your , Natural , beginner workout , aerobic dance workout , made in the usa , dura