'ONLINE COACHING: [email protected] BODYKINGS: http://www.bodykings.net INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/jonathanwalsemanfitness FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialJonathanWalseman FACEBOOK PROFILE: https://www.facebook.com/jonathanwalseman TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Walsemanfitness Music By: Shallow Side - Stand Up FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/ShallowSideBand WEBSITE: http://shallowside.net/ TWITTER:https://twitter.com/shallowsideband Intro By: Kenny Gonzales WEBSITE: http://www.kennygonzales.com INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/kgbgraphics/ YOUTUBE: http://www.YouTube.com/cashmoney503'
Tags: Workout , gym , exercise , bodybuilding , strength , leg day , routine , squats , iifym , legs , strength training , physical exercise , physical fitness , lunges , strength workout , weight training , powerlifting , rogue fitness , jonathan , garage gym , chin ups , front squats , walseman , jonathan walseman , sumo deadlifts , weighted , alternating dumbbell curl , squats and lunges , weighted chin-ups , strength routine , squats strength routine , stiff legged deadlift , leg & pull day workout , ez-bar curls
SEE ALSO: women s fitness , coaching , weight training , summer , workout video , Health and fitness , sin , educa , routine , fitness girl