'The COST is just too damn high! I\'ve had enough Rogue equipment now or at least had the chance to use some to know the quality of it in comparison to what I currently have and yes it would be worth the money but I don\'t have that kind of money. In my case, my garage gym is definitely quantity over quality and it works! Since recording this video I have learned to be more careful with the collars so they are as bad as I may have made them seem but still when you do get hit, that bish hurts! I am a RedCon1 Tier Operator so if you want to show your support or help me get some new gym equipment just use the link below and use my discount code T20TexasFlex and stock up on your supplements and some kickass apparel! https://www.redcon1.com/?aff=16391 Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/texasflex'
Tags: mystery , Unboxing , rogue fitness , deadlifts , barbell , redcon1 , garagegym , boneyard
SEE ALSO: sami , pinoy street food , Фитнес , kin , chor , Kr , non veg , salman khan , made in the usa , six pack abs