'Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan is undoubtedly a quintessential brave modern woman of today’s time. The actress is an inspiration to all. Post pregnancy, Kareena Kapoor Khan has impressed everyone with her tremendous weight loss. The actress is setting new fitness standards with each passing day and her recent workout videos with BFF Amrita Arora are a proof. Kareena Kapoor is getting in shape alongside best friend Amrita Arora for Shashanka Ghosh’s “Veere Di Wedding”. Amrita Arora shared many videos of them working out together and we are surely getting inspired from them. The two are often spotted together at parties, dinner, shopping and everywhere but this time, the two have hit the gym together like a boss. Watch Video To Know More Follow Us On: (Website) www.businessofcinema.com (Facebook) www.facebook.com/businessofcinema (Twitter) www.twitter.com/BOCLive (Instagram) https://instagram.com/business_of_cinema/'
Tags: cinema , bollywood , bollywood news , bollywood gossip , kareena kapoor khan , kareena kapoor , Bollywood Videos , taimur , Veerey Di Wedding , post pregnancy workout , amrita arora , tv now , Boc , businessofcinema.com , Business Of Cinema Videos , kareena kapoor next film , kareena kapoor in gym , Kareena Kapoor Films , kareena and taimur , Kareena Kapoor Post Pregnancy
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