
'BlockWorkOut vs Royal Marines Reserves (Part 2)'

'BlockWorkOut vs Royal Marines Reserves (Part 2)'

'So the royal Marines Reserve invited us this time round to try out some of the exercises at their training camp and they returned the favour and put us through our paces with some of their training at their Wandsworth base. Not sure who came off worse! Health is wealth, let\'s get money!  Follow us on instagram @BlockWorkOut_Official' 

Tags: calisthenics , work , out , army , block , Marines (Job Title) , streetworkout , Royal Marines (Armed Force) , War (Quotation Subject) , blockworkout , Royal Marines Reserve (Organization) , terroll lewis

SEE ALSO: easy to follow , routine , Class , iMovie , Philippines travel , Bodybuilder , Bench , tough , pod , muscles

May 2, 2022
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