'The new Army Combat Fitness Test is comprised of six events. Each event is scored and has 100 points available. A perfect score is 600! I visited Camp Withycombe to test myself against some of America\'s finest soldiers! Click here to see the scoring tables: https://www.armycombatfitnesstest.com/scoringstandards A huge THANK YOU to the Oregon Army Nation Guard for helping me make this video. This video is NOT sponsored by the US Army, but I do what to say that I have a ton of appreciation and respect for the men and women who protect this country. To learn more about the Oregon Army Nation Guard visit this link: https://www.joinoregonnationalguard.com Special thank to the following people. Capt. Tom!! (I keep telling him to get an IG account). SGT Head Tik Tok: @kfallsrecruiterarmyguard IG: kfalls_oregonarmynationalguard SFC Capel, Dennis NCOIC Det 3 Oregon National Guard 541-736-6685 SGT Miller Tik Tok: @that_one_army_recruiter IG: Miller1987.jm Website: joinoregonnationalguard.com/Justin_miller SFC Gallagher IG: SFC_Gallagher Rose IG: Madhenryrose Michael Jordan IG: @MJ_of_track Immune Boost Daily is now available for purchase! https://www.immuneboostdaily.com Free shipping on ALL orders at https://www.nicksymmonds.com/shop I LOVE GIVING PEOPLE SHOES!! That\'s why I give away a brand new pair of running shoes to one lucky follower every Tuesday. If you want a chance to win simply follow me on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/nicksymmonds On TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rungum?lang=en FREE RUN GUM HERE!! https://rungum.com/pages/nick-symmonds Shoot me a DM here: https://www.instagram.com/nicksymmonds Run Gum Merch is here!! https://rungum.com/collections#apparel Thank you for watching this video. My favorite days are those that stimulate me physically and mentally. Athletics keeps my body fit, entrepreneurial business keeps my mind fit. Welcome to the life of the ATHLETEPRENEUR! -- ► Subscribe to My Channel Here : https://www.youtube.com/nicksymmonds800 -- Nick Symmonds is a two-time Olympian and a serial entrepreneur. He is the founder and president of Nick Symmonds, LLC and the co-founder and CEO of Run Gum, a caffeinated chewing gum company that gives people a quick boost in energy and focus with their revolutionary energy gum.'
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