'Lose weight with the help of SCIENCE : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaPQwZ5L34c&list=PLfNW_1ECVaTgO7oyC6ngzf2f99n4ngqTA Follow my personal fitness journey : www.instagram.com/beerbiceps/ When it comes to weight loss, green tea is NOT the ultimate solution. Weight loss like anything fitness related should be based on science. Unfortunately tea businesses market green tea as a \"weight loss drink\". Now there is some truth to that. The EGCG present in green tea is definitely linked to some weight loss according to studies. But there\'s a much deeper science to that. Remember if weight loss were that simple, it would not be such a difficult game. Green Tea for weight loss is a very complex topic. I honestly feel that to understand this green tea weight loss dynamic, you need to get into the deep science of it. Don\'t let the green tea weight loss bandwagon consume you that easily! Besides weight loss, both green tea and black tea have a number of health benefits. And that should be the reason you consume them. Not simply as weight loss drinks. Watch to find out more! ---------------------------------------------- BeerBiceps - YouTube\'s first India specific fitness and food channel Fitness, food and fitness-food. Like, comment, subscribe and share on facebook! Facebook: www.facebook.com/beerbiceps Instagram: @beerbiceps Twitter: @beerbiceps93 Zomato: @beerbiceps Snapchat: @ranveer.1693'
Tags: fitness , Weight loss , weight loss drink , India , indian , beerbiceps , green tea , weight loss diet , Green Tea To Lose Weight , beer biceps , green tea for weight loss , green tea benefits , green tea weight loss , lose weight with green tea , green tea india , tea for weight loss , egcg , egcg weight loss , egcg green tea extract , green tea and weight loss , weight loss green tea
SEE ALSO: fitness models , end , yoga , Royal , zumba fitness , bench press , love , tractor , viral , legtoning