
'Royal Marines Mountain Leader RSM Baz Gray SMASHES His Commando 80 MIler | Chris Thrall | Jason Fox'

'Royal Marines Mountain Leader RSM Baz Gray SMASHES His Commando 80 MIler | Chris Thrall | Jason Fox'

'Regimental Sergeant Major Baz Gray served with the Royal Marines\' elite Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre as both a mountain leader (ML) and course instructor. A trained sniper, Baz has served on operations in several conflicts, including Afghanistan, and in recent years has skied solo and unsupported to the South Pole in Antarctica. Tomorrow Baz will attempt to run EIGHTY MILES NONSTOP to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the formation of the COMMANDOS and raise funds for the Royal Marines Charity (links below). This podcast features a cameo by Jason \'Foxy\' Fox Special Boat Service (SBS) from the TV series SAS Who Dares Wins  COMMANDO 80 MILER:  https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/bazgray-commando80 https://www.facebook.com/events/1102364150141949/  Baz\'s links:  https://twitter.com/soloantarctica https://twitter.com/BazGray https://www.instagram.com/graybazza/ https://www.instagram.com/challengeantarctica1800/ https://www.facebook.com/challengeantarctica/ …………………………………………………………………………………..   

Tags: training , Commando , antarctica , SBS , Royal Marines , potential royal marines course , PRMC , Ultra running , Ultramarathon , Commando Tests , Ml , lympstone , branch , cadre , 30 miler , Special Boat Service , chris thrall , polar expedition , mawc , mountain and arctic warfare , behind the lines , barry gray , baz gray

SEE ALSO: sch , box � ρο� όνηση , ufc , hollywood , sixpack workout , diet , Goo , core workout , pod , ru

Apr 24, 2022
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