
'1 HOUR Legs SLIDERS Workout | Slider Discs or Washcloths ⚡ BEAT YOUR BEST - Day 10 of 28'

'1 HOUR Legs SLIDERS Workout | Slider Discs or Washcloths ⚡ BEAT YOUR BEST - Day 10 of 28'

'Using our own body weight as Resistance & Sliding Discs that will intensify the workout by engaging stabilization core muscles. Washcloths or Sliding discs on wooden flooring. For carpeted flooring, you can use sliding discs.   Link to sliders - https://amzn.to/31DB20o  Focus on perfect form and controlled slow movements. Each move should be performed with 100% focus with the intention of  Eg During a Lunge Slide that leg is never getting a break ..your whole body is working to stabilize you. In a lunge, you\'re working your quads, hamstrings, and glutes, plus the muscles in your core that are responsible for keeping you stable as you move (in daily life and at the gym). The gliders help you keep these muscles super engaged throughout the entire movement.  6 total sets of 10 minutes each.  Alternating sets of legs and core.  45 seconds of work / 15 seconds of Rest.   This is a real-time 60 min workout on the FitGrit.  FITNESS IS FOREVER !!! Show up and take responsibility for your health!  ▶ Full Body Warmup: https://bit.ly/365wO2A ▶ Upper Body Warmup: https://bit.ly/2I27Wkn  SUBSCRIBE and click on the  

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Apr 23, 2022
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