'Welcome to the Fitness Zone Gym. Pure Gains, No Excuses, Special thanks to Pamela Allen, Erika Martinez, Ryan Sluck, Ashley Weaver, April Lynn, Samson Cruz, Joe, Kris Cruz, and Vino Garcia. Cinematographer- Izzy Villa. The Gym is located at 909 N. 13th St Harlingen Texas'
Tags: Physique , HealthyLife , WeightTraining , fitnessmodels , olympics , tomhardy , HARLINGEN , LIFEST , motivationalvideos , howtosquat , Traininggoals , fitnesszonegym , femalefitnessmodels , texasgyms , katebekansel
SEE ALSO: tips , daddy yankee dura dance , stretching , kourtney kardashian , aesthetic , sweat , men s fashion , using , rugby , fitness ball E .