'In this podcast I go to the Excel Leisure Centre in Coventry to chat and have a roll with the much sought after personal trainer and rehabilitation instructor Earl James. Earl is an Ex-Royal Marine who served 10 years and completed an operational tour in Afghanistan where he sustained a sudden traumatic event to his lower back which resulted in him being removed from theatre and sent to DMRC Headily court and then Hasler Company. We discuss Earls journey from a young out of shape teenager who experienced bullying to joining the Royal Marines, his spinal injury, his recovery period and how he overcame the tough decision to accept corrective surgery and be medically discharged from a career he truly loved. We talk about his influences on the way, who and what motivated him and his current love and passion for BJJ, where he has had some noted success since he put on a Kimono.'
Tags: motivation , MMA , joe rogan , fear , Recovery , conor mcgregor , pt , judo , Surgery , bjj , grappling , physiotherapist , Royal Marines , Coventry , jordan peterson , how to get strong , personal training tips , spinal surgery , Ippon , Spinal injuries , Earl James , Prolapsed disc , Headley Court , Hasler Company , Excel Leisure Centre , no shame podcast , how to make a million , BJJ hacks , how to win in a BJJ match , coventry judo , MMA vs Everyone , BJJ vs Boxing , how to pass royal marine training , 12 steps
SEE ALSO: physique � � , men s fitness , trending , � ต้น Zumba , b star , nas , Men �s fitness shorts , Hard Knox Fight Gear , Kareena Kapoor Workout Video , tips