'Let\'s take a deep dive into the Rogue MG-3 bar. A multi grip bar for the competitor but is it the best value on the market? Stay tuned for my review as well as a few other options! Check out the awesome products offered by UXO Supplements. I use UXO exclusively and following this link will automatically save you 10%. If you are military, active duty, guard, reserve or retired you get an increased discount at checkout. Check it out here: https://www.uxosupplements.com/products/charlie-mike-coming-soon?ref=Kurtlocker&variant=39399644364869 Purchases made using this link help fund this channel. Follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/the_kurtlocker/ https://www.instagram.com/muscles_and_muffin_tops/ Rogue MG-3 : roguefitness.com/rogue-mg-3-multi-grip-bar Titan: https://www.kqzyfj.com/click-100516670-13676834?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.titan.fitness%2Fstrength%2Fbarbells%2Fspecialty%2Fmulti-grip-camber-bar%2F430047.html&cjsku=430047 American Barbell: https://americanbarbell.com/products/football-swiss-bar Archon: https://www.fitarchon.com/product/multi-grip-olympic-bar/ Fringe Sport: https://www.fringesport.com/collections/barbells/products/multi-grip-bar Vulvan Fitness: https://www.vulcanstrength.com/Vulcan-Pro-Football-Multi-Grip-Bar-p/v-swiss.htm EliteFTS: https://www.elitefts.com/american-press-bar.html Rogue Fitness MG-3 Multi Grip Bar | Best Straight Multi-Grip Barbell?! | Strongman Garage Gym Review #garagegym #multigripbar #barbellreview'
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