'Knocked Up Fitness Live Hangout Series brought to you by Pregnancy Magazine: - http://www.pregnancymagazine.com/ Week 1 is full of great tips, exercises, modifications, & much more during your 1st trimester of Pregnancy. Hosted by Erica Ziel creator of Knocked-Up Fitness Prenatal & After Baby DVD\'s, along with guests Mary Barnes of Pure Yoga & Director of Yoga for Two, Erin Whitehead of Fit Bottomed Mamas, and Lara Salahi writer the Boston Globe and 1st time mom. Get the latest pregnancy news, tips, discounts & more! : http://info.pregnancymagazine.com/subscribe-today'
Tags: prenatal fitness , prenatal exercise , #hangoutsonair , Hangouts On Air , #hoa , first trimester , pregnancy , Maternity , Pregnancy (Disease Cause) , 1st trimester , pure yoga , erica ziel , knocked up fitness , fit bottomed mamas , erin whitehead , lara salahi , pregnancy magazine , Mary Barnes , yoga for two
SEE ALSO: LBT , kenwood chef , Bench , pregnancy fitness , thighs , abs core workout , Travel , Football , Arnold , indian street food