
'Explosive Workout Personal Training Manalapan NJ'

'Explosive Workout Personal Training Manalapan NJ'

'http://www.gravitytrainingzone.com  Explosive Power Weight Loss Workout Enjoy!!!  Perform 4 sets of the entire circuit with 1 minute breaks after you complete all 5 exercises in succession ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­---------------- 1. Power Tire Flips............................................­­.........x 15 2. Explosive Wheelbarrow Deadlifts...................­....­......x 10 3. SL Deadlift + Power Knee...................­.........­...........x 10 4. Plate Axe Chops....................................­..........­......x 12 5. Heavy KB Hang Cleans....................­.........­..............x 8  http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music' 

Tags: Physical Exercise (Interest) , explosive , Weight Loss (Symptom) , New Jersey (US State)

SEE ALSO: hot , aesthetic motivation , การออกกำลังกาย� ต้น Zumba , physique � � , british , schnell , abnehmen , street food , Cereal Fitness , sp

Mar 30, 2022
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