'Big Freedia ft. Lizzo Karaoke Cardio Dance / Dance Fitness Choreography Video Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6m0xOi7VEc This song is stuffed full of energy and attitude; making it perfect for any cardio dance class. The movement isn\'t complex but to fit the quick tempo of the song the moves come and go fast. If you need any help with the moves just click above and watch the tutorial video where I break it down step by step. I cue the chorus as \"540\" it\'s a full turn (360) + 1/2 turn (180) so you begin at the front and end in the back or vice versa. Again, watch the tutorial for a more thorough breakdown of this. I love this one and hope you guys enjoy it at home!'
Tags: dance fitness , ZUMBA , choreography , Lizzo , karaoke , lizzo zumba , Nicholas Jacobs , Sweat Atlanta , lizzo dance fitness , lizzo choreography , lizzo cardio dance , KARAOKE Big Freedia ft Lizzo Cardio Dance , Karaoke Big Freedia Choreography , Big Freedia Lizzo Choreography , Big Freedia Zumba , Big Freedia Cardio Dance , Big Freedia Dance Fitness , Big Freedia Choreography , Karaoke Zumba , Karaoke Cardio Dance , Karaoke Dance Fitness , Karaoke Choreography , Big Freeda
SEE ALSO: strengthening , stretching , uae , abs workout , aer , Motywacja , 2017 , Body fitness , weight gain , Physique