'These movements are all so important for your Royal Marines/military journey! ALL YOU NEED IS A PULL UP BAR Don\'t wrap on your pull ups and other bar movements, work hard and you will reap the benefits when you get to recruit training. Here\'s 5 Workouts to try to if you only have a pull up bar available: Wod 1: Pull ups- Max reps 2 mins rest 10 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute): 50% of your max pull ups 5 Burpees Wod 2: EMOM (Every Minute On The Minute): Until failure of: 1-2-3-4-5-etc Pull ups Burpee The way this works is: minute 1 you do 1 pull up, 1 burpee Minute 2: 2 Pull ups, 2 burpees Minute 3: 3 Pull ups, 3 Burpees ETC Until failure Heres the follow along link to this workout: https://youtu.be/xvk1_bPFHpM WOD 3: 10 Rounds: For Time: 5 Pull ups 10 Knees to Chest 15 Sit Ups WOD 4: 12 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) 5 Burpees 6 Pull ups 7 Knees to chest 15 Squats WOD 5: EMOM: 10-15 Mins 1 Chin up 1 Wide arm Pull up 1 Regular Pull up 1 Close grip Pull up 1 Toes to Bar 1 Muscle up These are great for the Crossfit Open thats coming up too. If you want to take your Royal Marines prep to the next level, check out our PROVEN fitness plan: Complete Commando: Over 450+ Active members -Programmed by experienced Royal Marines Commando and Performance coach Sam Logan -Designed to get you fit for all pre Royal Marines recruit training tests and recruit training itself -Up to date with the latest Royal Marines Recruitment process -6 Workouts a week 3 Bodyweight & 3 Runs/Yomps -Regular testing to prove performance improvement -All running workouts tailored to the individual, using your test results -Facebook community group and support throughout both the programme and recruit training -Weekly Mindset talks on the facebook group by Sam Thorley, Psychology BSc -Designated app, that allows you to record your scores and track your weekly progress -32 weeks of programming -£9.99 a month or one off discounted payment of £69.99 for the full 32 week programme Programme link: https://complete-movement.com/complete-commando/ If you\'re joining another military service then check out: https://complete-movement.com/complete-military/ Instagram and Facebook: @CompleteCommando @CompleteMilitaryFitness @SamLoganFitness #CompleteCommando #SamLoganFitness #RoyalMarines'
Tags: crossfit , Pull Ups , Royal Marines , bar workout , royal marines training , vpjft , ROYAL marines vpjft , crossfit open , crossfit open 2021 , getfitfast , British Army recruitment , lympstone commando , Raf recruitment , Preparing for he military , Royal Marines commandos or paras , Royal Navy recruitment , preparing for the Royal Marines , sam logan fitness , Royal Marines Pull ups , Militarytrainnig , Completecommando , militarypreperation , Militarycrossfit , chin up bar exercises
SEE ALSO: prenatal pilates , aerobic dance workout , second trimester , female fitness , college fest , British Army , Personal Training , prenatal.prenatal , Train , exercise during pregnancy