'Here is a video of our Fitness Kickboxing class. Ours professionally trained staff of instructors are here to help you reach your fitness goals. You will get in shape, lose weight and feel great. Plus hitting the bags is great for stress relief. www.amerikickmedford.com 609-714-2212'
Tags: Workout , Weight loss , quarantine workout , workout from home , Cardio Kickboxing , kickboxing workout , karate , kickboxing , billy blanks tae bo , fitness kickboxing , Aerobic Kickboxing , Gabby Recinto , Mike Recinto , Amerikick , Amerikick Medford , AKX Kickboxing
SEE ALSO: trainer , 03 , Iron Gym �� , Muscle Girls , 201 , 6 minuten , fitness challenge , pinoy street food , workouts for women , SBS