'http://www.shytownfitness.com CHEST & BICEPS Warm up: 2 sets x 25 pushups ~Chest 1st SuperSet: Alternate between these two exercises for 3 complete circuits. Increase weight load each set, should be approaching failure the first two sets, third set should achieve failure. • DB Incline Chest Press w/ Isometric Hold at Top of motion: 15 x, 12x, 10x • DB Incline Chest Fly w/ slight Pronation of palms to thumbs together: 15x, 12x, 10x • After superset completion, perform 20 inverted pushups. 2nd SuperSet: Alternate between these two exercises for 3 complete circuits. Increase weight load each set, should be approaching failure the first two sets, third set should achieve failure. • DB Incline Chest Press w/ Isometric Hold at Bottom of motion: 15x, 12x, 10x • Single arm Cable Fly: 15x, 12x, 10x 3rd SuperSet: Alternate between these two exercises for 3 complete circuits. Increase weight load each set, should be approaching failure the first two sets, third set should achieve failure. • Decline Cable Press: 15x, 12x, 10x • Decline Cable Fly: 15x, 12x, 10x • After superset completion, perform pushups on stability ball to failure. ~Biceps 1st SuperSet: Alternate between these two exercises for 3 complete circuits. Increase weight load each set, should be approaching failure the first two sets, third set should achieve failure. • Angled Barbell Curl: 15x, 12x 10x • DB Close Grip Hammer Curls: 15, 12x, 10 2nd SuperSet: Alternate between these two exercises for 3 complete circuits. Increase weight load each set, should be approaching failure the first two sets, third set should achieve failure. • Incline Cable Curl: 15x, 12x, 10x • Popeye\'s: 15x, 12x, 10x 3rd SuperSet: 30 seconds rest between sets. Should require spot for 4th, 5th and 6th set. • 6-Set Volumization, Preacher Curl: 10x, 10x, 10x, 10x, 10x, 10 NEGATIVES to failure.'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , weight , Health , bodybuilding , body , muscle , muscles , chest , exercises , biceps , training , pushups , circuits , physical exercise , physical fitness , Bodybuilder , fly , supersets , pess , shytown , Fly (exercise)
SEE ALSO: tone , katie moves taipei , ufc , Mrs. , golf fitness , ch , zumba class , jeremy buendia motivation , bol , Fitness Training