'http://UndergroundStrengthGym.com http://GetWrestlingStrength.com Anthony Rosamilia of Bishop Ahr crushes heavy kettlebells that are more than half his bodyweight. Rosa weighs 115-118 and is shown using a 62 and 70 lb Russian Kettlebell. Rosa began his training at the http://UndergroundStrengthGym.com weighing 88 lbs. Impressive, but, it all came through intense dedication and commitment every step of the way! http://GetWrestlingStrength.com http://UndergroundStrengthGym.com'
Tags: kettlebell training , Rosa , russian kettlebells , clean and press , underground strength gym , zach even esh , bishop ahr wrestling , nj wrestling training , wrestling strength
SEE ALSO: bodybuilding motivation , total body workout , choreo , daddy yankee , we. , SPORTS , News , non veg , medicine ball , biceps