'Kareena Kapoor Khan has released a series of photos and a video from her recent photoshoot for a brand. The actor who is in the final trimester of her pregnancy has shown how she leads a healthy lifestyle and fit body with yoga. Kareena shared photos in which she is performing several yoga asanas like a boss while flaunting her bare baby bump. From wearing training clothes, crop tops to stretchy pants, the actor knows how to perform yoga effortlessly. . . MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW US FOR THE LASTEST UPDATE OF BOLLYWOOD Click here to Subscribe to Celebmantra’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsZ6LWr_UjFvJRTdN5j1BgA LIKE Celebmantra’s Page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celebmantraofficial Follow Celebmantra\'s Page on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Celeb_mantra Follow Celebmantra\'s Page on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/celebmantraofficial/ #kareenakapoorkhan #yogawithbabybump #motivation #cute'
Tags: fashion , trending , Lifestyle , gym , motivation , Food , cute , hot , makeup , celebrities , gossip , movies , salman khan , songs , instagram , love , bollywood , bollywood news , Akshay Kumar , bollywood updates , deepika Padukone , Alia Bhatt , saifalikhan , saraalikhan , Kundani Bhagya , karishmakapoor , taimuralikhan
SEE ALSO: motivational video , fitnessstudio , lo , tips , hyd , manila , fitness girl , functional training , fitness motivation , handworkout