'Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan was spotted heading to the gym with her BFF Amrita Arora. The actress is spending much of her time at the gym and is surely giving us right fitness goals with each passing day. Watch Video To Know More Follow Us On: (Website) www.businessofcinema.com (Facebook) www.facebook.com/businessofcinema (Twitter) www.twitter.com/BOCLive (Instagram) https://instagram.com/business_of_cinema/'
Tags: bollywood , kareena kapoor khan , taimur , amrita arora , businessofcinema , taimur ali khan , Veere Di Wedding , Kareena Kapoor Khan Gym , Kareena Hot , Boc , Kareena Kapoor Khan Hot , kareena gym , amrita arora gym , kareena spotted , kareena kapoor khan baby boy , kareena kapoor baby boy
SEE ALSO: food review , warm up , 8 1 19 , фитоняшки , healthy pregnancy , funny , aesthetics , ram , baby , crossfit