'Varun Dhawan and John Abraham is undoubtedly among the fittest hunks of Bollywood and recently they spotted doing super cool workout session with fans during Dishoom promotion. On the occasion they also shares tip on fitness. John also shares the unbeatable tip to impress girl with fitness. Watch out the video to find out. Subscribe to FilmiBeat Channel for latest updates on movies and related videos. You Tube: https://goo.gl/qlauzb Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/filmibeat Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Filmibeat Join our circle in Google Plus https://plus.google.com/+filmibeat/'
Tags: fitness , gym , varun dhawan , workout session , John Abraham , dishoom , dishoom promotion , To Impress Girl , Workout with fans
SEE ALSO: Jus , Your , Party , model , handworkout , squat , bollywood gossip , sixpack , fitness , physique � �