'These 5 core exercises train the core muscles to prevent rotation and bending through the lower back. This is critical for both injury reduction and improved performance as a disc golfer. They make look simple, but good core exercises don\'t have to be \"complex\" or \"Intense\" to be effective. Start laying a strong foundation by focusing on these exercises FIRST, and then build up from there. Core exercises should first focus on preventing rotation and bending before choosing advanced exercises. This can ensure that the rotation and bending that takes place in more advanced exercises comes from the correct areas. The Disc Golf Strong Inner Circle is now preceded by the Disc Golf Strong Performance Academy, which is a 7-week guided online coaching course that takes you through the foundations of training and playing as a Disc Golf Athlete. To learn more about the Performance Academy and join the wait-list, visit the link below! www.DiscGolfStrong.com/Performance Here\'s a playlist showing instructional videos of each exercise shown. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTFs-fpc-IlG3Z1TkgdLYlv55NCRRyHwD'
Tags: disc golf , disc golf exercise , disc golf training , disc golf core exercises , disc golf back exercises , how to throw disc golf , how to play disc golf
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