'Please \"Like\" this video and Subscribe to my Channel so I can continue to provide Free Video Tips. Visit http://cardiogolf.com to download the FREE Cardiogolf Pre-Round Warm Up Routine E-Book. Backswing sway occurs when a golfer’s shifts his weight laterally so the upper body tilts towards the target. This causes too much lateral movement in the lower body, the golfer ends up having to make a downswing compensation so the flight path of the ball will likely slice or a hook. The causes of backswing sway could be caused from physical limitations including: Limited Core Stability Weak Gluteus Maximus Muscles (buttocks) Lack of Spinal Mobility Tight Hamstrings Tight Chest Muscles To correct backswing sway, focus on Pilates balance exercises that stabilize core muscles and shift the body weight. Follow my blog at http://www.cardiogolf.com Follow my Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/Cardiogolf/ Like my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Cardiogolf/ For more information visit http://cardiogolf.com Visit Cardiogolf.com for more information. #NikeGolfClub Cardiogolf Exercise #111'
Tags: reformer , golf , golf instruction , Cardiogolf , Pilates for Golfers , Anti-Sway
SEE ALSO: routine , laura london , laura london fitness , fit flaunt , kumar , vpjft , exercise ball , weightloss , baby , zuhause