'Want even more info? Check out the following: https://instagram.com/mbodypro/ https://www.facebook.com/mbodypro http://www.mbodypro.com/blog/ Looking to get started and make changes NOW? Click here and let\'s make it happen! http://www.mbodypro.com/programs/ http://www.mbodystrength.com/collections/all http://www.mbodypro.com/ Golfers need strength and mobility just as much as the next athlete. Try this workout or incorporate some of these moves to perform better on and off the course. These are the same moves I use with my golf clients to keep them injury-free. Golfer Strength A1. Rotational Press - 4x5-8 ea. arm A2. Single Leg Deadlift - 4x8-10 ea. leg 60 seconds rest between sets B1: 1/2 Get up - 4x3-5 ea. side B2: Good Morning - 4x10-15 60 seconds rest between sets C1: Goblet Squat - 3x10-20 C2: Windmill - 3x5-10 ea. arm 60 seconds rest between sets'
Tags: golf fitness , golf training , golf workout , golfers , mbody , mbody pro
SEE ALSO: low back pain exercises , Chef , at home , chest , rel , girl , dancefitness , gro , lose , walking workout