
'V-Shred, How Are You STILL Talking About This!? #SHORTS'

'V-Shred, How Are You STILL Talking About This!? #SHORTS'

'http://instagram.com/bdccarpenter http://facebook.com/bdccarpenter http://twitter.com/bdccarpenter http://tiktok.com/@bdccarpenter  Bad news, V-Shred blocked me on Instagram (very justified to be fair).  Good news, V-Shred did not ban me on TikTok.  So I had the pleasure of being sent one of their latest videos, where they are still banging on about why you need to know what \"body type\" you are if you want to \"get in shape\".  Fun fact, even though body shapes obviously DO differ, you don\'t *need* to change your training or diet based on your shape in the mirror.  All the diet and training fundamentals (calorie balance for changing body weight, adequate protein for lean body mass growth/retention, exercise because obviously it\'s good lol) are worth following irrespective of how you look in the mirror.  Embarrassing that they are still harping on about this as if it is the \"most important\" thing to focus on.' 

Tags: iifym , flexible dieting , calorie deficit , body types , ectomorph , calorie counting , Mesomorph , Weight loss myths , fat loss myths , somatotypes , endormorph , v-shred , v-shred for women , is v shred a scam? , v shred is a scam , body type quiz , fat loss quiz , weight loss quiz

SEE ALSO: trx , Anderson , eating , functional fitness , Well , gym फैक्ट्र मेरठ में है , 03 , glute workout. , men s fitness , telugu fitness

Mar 28, 2024
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