'BENEFICIAL FOR: Nursing Staff & Physiotherapists, Health Fitness Professionals, Fitness Trainers, Sports Coaches, Housewives, Students. Course types: 1. Regular Batch students need to attend a session conducted 1 day per week for 10 weeks. They have to apper for an examination within 12 months after the completion of the Course. 2. Correspondence students have virtual sessions and have to appear for examination within 12 months after the completion of the Course Students clearing the exam will be awarded a lifelong valid certificate as CERTIFIED SPECIALIST IN ADVANCE DIET AND NUTRITION BFY Website : https://www.bfysportsnfitness.com/'
Tags: eggs , Workout , weight , what i eat in a day , how to eat , calories , Health Care (Industry) , balance diet , how to be healthy , Diet & Nutrition , Healthy Diet (Diet) , Proper Diet , How to Eat properly , daily diet for healthy body
SEE ALSO: six pack abs , deadlift , fitness videos , kal , fit girls , dangal , food review , sp , Pre , arabesque