
'Ben Carpenter- Barbell Spider Curls'

'Ben Carpenter- Barbell Spider Curls'

'This was the third exercise in a bicep tri-set series. Your upper arm should be firmly against the pad to minimise movement. The highest point in the repetition is significantly the hardest so ensure you are using a weight which you can lift with full ROM. You should feel an intense bicep squeeze at the peak of the movement. This exercise is not one for ego lifting as the weight needed will be much lighter than you would use for standing barbell curls.  Ben Carpenter www.bcpersonaltraining.co.uk www.facebook.com/bencarpenterpersonaltraining Twitter @bdccarpenter' 

Tags: gym , motivation , personal trainer , muscle , strength , biceps , six pack , fitness model , barbell , ben carpenter

SEE ALSO: lates , iMovie , sixpack , choreography , prenatal exercise , instagram上� �感健身美女 , MMA , low impact , bol , shoulder workout

Mar 15, 2024
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